Outdoor sports activities and what to wear!!

Athleticism, strength, and performance are the main inspirations for  sports outfits this spring, with pieces that work for the body no matter the level of skill. Functionality and technical details not only add an advantage, they also look great too..

Enjoy them!!

For any tennis enthusiast, we offer a fantastic selection of ladies tennis clothing, including this perfect addidas shorts, which is ideal for any level player!! A tennis player wearing loose shorts will have more flexibility on the field. Wearing the right tennis shoes is important in addition to proper clothing!!

 My favorite tennis outfits…sure you will Love them!


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Catch me if you can|runner’s shoe guide!

Finding the best-fitting and stylish shoe among the many choices at your local running store isn’t always easy. there is a great divide among runners: those who pick their shoes for speed,those who choose for comfort, those for style… and those who are more exacting…they want 3 in 1…speed comfort and style!!

see what we propose..

break the monotomy with a little of colour to your “running” way..give a little boost to your self and start run…

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6 office wear ideas & how to NOT dress boring to work

Modays. They’re the best of times, they’re the worst of times. Or maybe just the latter if you’re to pay any attention to all the facebook Monday hatred memes going around. Still, not all is lost on Mondays, cause alongside the blues and the weekend hangovers, we get to play with fashion and take style to work. Yay.

Please constrain your excitement.


1. The CLASSIC look is probably the most common and easiest way to dress for office, regardless of your job, but also the most likely to get you looking boring, unless you remember this ONE TIP: always wear a statement piece, or just a more fun item to your look (shoes, bag, jewellery, watch, lips, nails. It’s all in the details.).

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2. The CASUAL business look, or the-can-I-wear-jeans-to-work is actually pretty easy to do and quite versatile. The TIP is to always wear heels, a very smart/feminine top (think silky blouse, men-shirts, structured tops), a blazer and a professional bag. Have fun with accessories and even shoes and bags depending on your job.

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