15 tips for every day outfits

  1. Understand what’s appropriate in your area

“Everyone draws their lines differently,” says etiquette coach Barbara Pachter. “For example, you may be able to wear shorts, but not cut-offs. If your company has a dress code, follow it.”

  1. Make sure your clothes fit

It may sound obvious, but many get it wrong. “If your clothes are too big or too small, they are not going to look good. Ensuring a proper fit applies to everything you are wearing,” says Pachter. “One interviewer said he was distracted by a man’s short tie.

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  1. Wear glasses that fit

Make sure your glasses fit properly and aren’t sliding down your nose. You don’t want to be playing with them all the time, says Pachter. “This becomes distracting.”

  1. Dry your hair

Never leave your house with wet hair, warns Williams. It makes you look like you don’t have your life together, which translates to not having your career together.

  1. Pay attention to your bag

You don’t want your personal things jutting out of your purse or briefcase. Keep your bag clean on the inside, especially if it doesn’t have a zipper, which allows others to catch a glimpse inside from time to time. Williams also advises professionals not to wear knapsacks because it looks “too collegiate”.

  1. Don’t wear strong perfume or cologne

“Anything that anyone else can smell is not good,” says Williams. To get an idea of whether someone can smell you or not, ask someone you trust.

  1. Wear well-kept, polished shoes

“One recruiter told me the first thing he notices about a candidate is his or her shoes,” says Pachter. “Make sure your shoes are polished and in good condition.”

  1. Pay attention to your watch

“When I ask the participants in my etiquette classes to name the one accessory that they notice most on both men and women, the watch is the most common answer,” Pachter says.

  1. Wear rich colours to portray authority

“Pay attention to your colour choices,” Pachter says. “Darker colours usually convey a stronger impression than lighter ones.” If you’re giving a presentation, make sure the colour you’re wearing doesn’t blend in with the background behind you.

  1. Avoid neon colours and overly flashy clothes

“Both men and women have to be cautious with bright colours,” Patcher says. Clothes that are too flashy can be distracting and the visual equivalent of shouting.

  1. Don’t be too sexy

Not only is wearing inappropriate clothing distracting, it can also give off an inaccurate impression. Avoid too-short hemlines, too-tall heels, plunging necklines, and exposed under garments. “A lot of women are oversexualized in the office,” says Williams. “You can wear a V-neck shirt, but make sure you keep your legs covered. People end up discrediting themselves by looking too provocative.” Pachter agrees: “What do you want to be remembered for? What you wore or what you said?”

  1. Wearing nude pantyhose is hip

Ever since Kate Middleton started wearing pantyhose in public, it quickly became stylish again. “It gives you a more finished look,” Pachter says.

  1. Get regular pedicures

Williams tells us one of her biggest pet peeves is when women wear open-toed shoes without getting pedicures. “If you’re going to show your toes, make sure your toes are well-groomed,” she says.

  1. Don’t over-accessorise

Accessories are meant to complement your outfit, not overpower it. “I once met a woman who had a ring on every finger,” Pachter says. “You couldn’t look at anything else.”

  1. Your jewellery shouldn’t make noise

It’s really distracting when someone’s dangly bangles make noises when they move their arms, says Williams.

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